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Fine Art by Kelly Bartlett
Home > Energy Gateways
Gallery: Energy Gateways
My series of the Energy Gateways is based on one of my favorite books called "The Energy Prescription" by Constance Grauds. She was trained as a pharmacist and worked in that business for 25 years, watching the same people come to the pharmacy over and over with the same ailments. Her life's journey eventually took her to the Amazon, where she studied to be a shamanic healer. She is now considered as the world's leading Natural Pharmacist. In her book, she outlines the eight Gateways to Energy which include the Mind/Soul Gateway, the Breath Gateway, the Water Gateway, the Food Gateway, the Exercise Gateway, the Nature Gateway, the Relationship Gateway, and the Altruism Gateway.
5 Artworks
2 Artworks
Morpho Studios